Monday, June 21, 2010

Daisy wallpaper designed by William Morris, 1864

Daisy wallpaper designed by William Morris, 1864

Detail of a drawing for the Bullerswood carpet designed by William Morris and John Henry Dearle, 1889

Detail of a drawing for the Bullerswood carpet designed by William Morris and John Henry Dearle, 1889

Fashion plate, The World of Fashion, 1838

The World of Fashion; December 1838
YOUNG LADY'S DRESS Crimson velvet frock and pantaloons, trimmed with sable. Bonnet of pink gros de Tours, ornamented with a bouquet of short Ostrich feathers, and ribbons to correspond.

Illustration, Man and woman on an early roller coaster, 1832

Illustration, Man and woman on an early roller coaster, 1832

Engraving of an early soda fountain, 1872

Engraving of an early marble soda fountain, 1872